
I was born in 1992 and grew up in Victoria, Australia in a conservative, professing Christian home. The Lord began moving upon my soul, drawing me unto to Himself, when I was 7 years old. It was at this time I had increasing awareness and conviction over my sins, which though many were well hidden from men, were naked and open before the Holy Eyes of my Creator (Heb.4:13).


During this season, I had immense guilt, causing me to seek God, repenting over my sins to God and my parents. But I still had no power over my sins, nor saving communion and fellowship with the Living Christ! In early 2001, the Lord confronted me with the revelation of His holy wrath towards my sins, and the just eternal judgement I deserved of an eternity in hell. I was caused to cry with desperate fervency unto the Saviour, feeling as the chiefest of sinners, guilty before Him, crying out for salvation! In sovereign mercy and free grace, Christ came and in all my filthiness, in one moment of time, cleansed me, and passed me from death to life! (Ezek.16:6) Hallelujah!! What a Saviour! 

All my desires were now Christ's, and His commandments in His word were easy to obey, yea effortless, out of a heart aflame with love for my Lord and Saviour and a new nature within. Sin had no power over me- Glory to Christ!


I married, my beloved husband David Sester, in 2012 and Christ has given us 4 sons thus far. 


Worthy is this great King to be served all my days. Far more precious unto me is my Bridegroom with each passing day!

May His Name alone be glorified!!